zkVM -- a virtual machine that runs trusted code and generates proofs
RISC Zero zkVM -- RISC Zero's zkVM implementation based on the RISC-V architecture
host -- the system the zkVM runs on
guest -- the system running inside the zkVM
host program -- the host-native, untrusted portion of an application
prover -- a program on the host that runs the trusted code to generate a receipt
verifier -- a program on the host that verifies receipts
method -- a single 'main' entry point for code that runs inside the zkVM
execute -- run a method inside the zkVM and produce a receipt of correct execution
commit -- append data to the journal
receipt -- a record of correct execution, consisting of:
image ID -- a small unique identifier that identifies the method or boot image for zkVM operation
journal -- all the things the method wants to publicly output and commit to, written to by the method, attached to receipt
seal -- the cryptographic blob which proves that the receipt is valid
verify -- check that the receipt is valid, i.e. verify the seal
theoretical nomenclature used in papers and internals of RISC Zero's zkVM implementation
proof -- the seal
circuit -- a mathematical construct that appears in one view as the "CPU" in the zkVM but on the other is part of the computation used to create proofs